Faculty Workload Report
The Faculty Workload System’s purpose is to meet the reporting requirements specified in the Texas A&M University (TAMU) Faculty Teaching Workload Reporting Policy (12.03.99.M1). A draft of the new policy is available at:As stated in the policy, faculty workload reporting is required for any individual assigned to teach a course for academic and/or professional credit, or any individual whose salary is paid in full or part from faculty salaries. Each faculty member must be certified as fulfilling the minimum workload requirement established for a funded faculty position.
Classroom teaching credits and, if needed, equivalent credits are applied to instructors who are either teaching a course or whose budget salary sources indicate teaching responsibilities to bring them into compliance with the policy. If an instructor is non-compliant, the department is required to provide a reason for non-compliance.
- Login to Faculty Workload System here (CAS authentication is required).
- 2023 TAMU Faculty Workload System User Manual (pdf)
The Faculty Workload is generated and sent to Faculty Affairs every Fall and Spring semester.